Are Your Goals Juicy Enough?

We can be so obsessed with growth that we forget to make it fun.

We learn that it's important to set goals - so we do.

Because of course we want to grow, evolve, achieve, do meaningful things in this world.

But we forget the juice.

That's what I talk about in this week's episode of the Managing the Smart Mind podcast.

And it's what I'd love for you to think about this weekend.

The juice behind your goals.

Let's say you want to lose some weight.

Make more money.

Learn to manage your time better.

That sounds all very wonderful, but is it juicy?

Is it compelling, desirable, enticing enough to get you to overcome the necessary obstacles to achieve your goal? 

Not really.

Luckily, this is very easy to fix.

You just need to add 'so I can...' and fill in the blank behind your goal.

Here are some examples:

I want to lose weight so I can...

  • Feel more energised

  • Stay alive longer

  • Learn to surf

I want to have more money so I can...

  • Spend more time traveling

  • Take better care of my family

  • Buy and build more LEGO

I want to learn to manage my time better so I can...

  • Prioritise what really matters to me, e.g. spending time with my family, reading science fiction, etc

  • Feel less anxiety and stress

  • Get more done

Got goals? Great

Now find the juice behind your goals - and you'll have your WHY.

This will keep you going when you hit the inevitable bumps that come with pursuing goals.

And if you want to learn more about setting goals the juicy way, check out this week - and next week's- podcast Episodes. You can find them on your favourite podcast app or on my website, where you can also download the transcripts.

Have an juicy weekend,



The Secret to Getting Unstuck


Stop looking for the One Thing