Let go of your inner critic

Merry Xmas Smart Human!

[click here if you'd prefer to watch a video instead of reading this]

I don't come bearing gifts today.

Instead, I want to take something away from you. 

I’m even willing to wrestle you for it.

Because this thing is actually ruining your life, and it will for sure make the holidays so much harder than they need to be.

It is that voice inside that just can’t stop criticising you.

Does the caramelised sugar on your creme brûlée not ‘crack’ properly?

Hello inner critic.

Do you say something awkward over dinner?

Hello inner critic.

Does your home or kitchen not look like it’s just come out of a magazine?

Hello inner critic.

That inner voice helicopter-parenting you is relentless.

It points out all the ways in which you could - or rather should - have been better.

It will make you feel like a failure - regardless of the circumstances.

You need to stop letting it ruin your life.

So I’m asking you to give it up.

I know it’s hard. It’s hard because this inner critic thinks it is keeping you safe.

That by holding you to the highest possible standards you will not be ridiculed, cast out of the tribe, etc.

But it’s lying.

It’s actually preventing you from living.

So give it up.

Give it to me.

Make a pact to no longer give it any time of day.

And if, like me, you like gamification, you can even turn this into a challenge.

Every time you catch your self-criticism this weekend, and let it go, set aside five dollars for charity (or what ever amount you can afford).

Turn it into an ‘kill the inner critic’ charity drive. You could actually end up donating a lot of money!

This weekend, let go of your inner critic, and wake up to the beautiful, gifted, amazing, imperfect human being you are.

Have the Best Holidays ever!


P.S. Here's another video for you on something else I'd love for you to give up:
Stop trying to be normal


A friendly way to eliminate your ego


What would your (s)hero do?