Some Spring Cleaning
I deleted 15.000 unread emails today.
They lived in a news folder that I was cleverly ignoring.
I had managed to kid myself into thinking "I'll get to that someday".
But Spring is obviously in the air and getting to me - not only did I clear out my newsletter folder today, I also removed a years' worth of paint build-up from my brayers.
Which was almost as satisfying as deleting 15.000 unread emails.
The most interesting thing about those mails?
They were addressed to my past self.
Past me - who thought that she needed to sign up for everything, had massive FOMO, looked outside rather than inside for guidance.
As I looked through these mails I realised that they had become completely irrelevant.
I pretty much know what to do - and when I don't, I have some very smart and kind-hearted people I go to for guidance and solicited advice.
I'm incredibly selective with my time and attention - I want my inbox to reflect that.
Connection, delight, inspiration.
If it doesn't meet any of those criteria - it's a hard (and easy) 'NO'.
What are you still saying yes to that doesn’t work with who you have become?
Figure it out, and hit ‘DELETE’.
And if you’d like some help with that I currently have a Spring Cleaning offer to help you get clear on your next steps. Send a DM or reply 'dust bunny' in the comments below and I'll get you all the details.