Episode 63 - Ruling the Internet with Naomi Dunford

Welcome to the second part of my marathon interview with Naomi Dunford, the founder of Ittybiz.

In this second part, you'll learn:

  • why Naomi got 1000 people to quit their day job,

  • hwy failure doesn’t exist for her

  • what it's like to be a minimalist digital nomad,

  • how for her,  travel comes down to “going to a different place with better coffee and doing exactly what she does at home”

  • the joy of niching down to your perfect people

  • her very early and slightly inconveniently timed (hello Covid!) retirement

  • her beautiful philosophy of ‘Go down Giving’,

  • ADHD and time blindness

  • how to approach hiring people for your business (hint: think marriage skills) 

  • running a successful business without being on social media. 

And much, much more.


Episode 64 - The Beautiful Vision of Judith Gaton


Episode 62 -Ruling the Internet with Naomi Dunford - Part 1