It won’t surprise you that I’m not your average coach.

I'm a certified master coach and Philosopher armed with 30 years of business and transformative experience. 

I combine deep thinking and probing questions with a pragmatic, hands-on approach that gets you not just insight, but results. 

I believe transformation is hard work, for sure, but it also gets to be fun.

With over 1,000 transformational coaching hours and at least as many spent facilitating change, this obviously isn’t my first rodeo.

When you work with me, you not only get access to my brain but to decades of experience in transforming fast-brained humans.  

My Global HQ

My base is in the dynamic port city of Rotterdam, but my impact is borderless. I work from a stunning riverside office with state-of-the-art facilities that help me work with teams and individuals across the globe.

Whether you’re in Kazakhstan or Kansas, I can help you harness your smart mind. 

My unique skillset 

Diagnosed as 'gifted' at a very young age, I've pioneered a path through the complexities of a high-IQ life with ADHD and ASD.

I’ve studied Philosophy in London, and Mathematics and Music Theory in Amsterdam.

I’ve worked in a plethora of industries, from Politics to International Real Estate.

But I really started to shine when I decided to become an entrepreneur.

For years, I was a change-maker and innovator in the fields of photography, art education and visual marketing. 

I know what it’s like to build something new, to lead, to fall flat on your face and to get back up again. 

I also know what it’s like to be too successful, too fast.

And most importantly, I know that working your butt off for something that doesn’t light you up isn’t sustainable. Ever.

Let’s be real: like me, you know certifications don’t mean all that much.-But as someone who loves to learn and constantly add to my toolbox, I do have them in spades. Co-active coaching, DISC-profiling, and Hypnotherapy are the most recent additions to my ever-expanding skill set. 

And yes, I can kick your ass in many ways - I also have a black belt in Aikido. 

Making a difference

A life well-lived includes not just having fun, but also having an impact.

Because not all fast-brained humans have access to the same resources or opportunities I have created the ‘Managing the Smart Mind’ podcast.

It’s a weekly podcast that reaches fast-brained humans in over 100 countries with resources, teachings and inspiring interviews with successful smart humans.

Play and Exploration

Like you, I will never be happy sticking with one thing. I’m constantly growing and evolving - feeding my hungry brain and heart. 

I love art: to look at, learn from, and create it. 

I admire all kinds of craftsmanship: people who spend years honing their skills and adding beauty to our world are my heroes. 

And I’m obsessed with LEGO: the brand, the product, and the story.

I use it in my work, I have a LEGO rollercoaster behind me when I’m on Zoom, I build something almost every day; and I’ve been on the (epic!) LEGO Inside Tour in Billund. LEGO and all it stands for is a constant source of inspiration. 

I am also the proud mother of a pretty smart badass daughter who sews her own Victorian outfits, wears them to school, and plans to study Astrophysics.