Some stuff about me you may not know

Here's some stuff about me you may not know.

I read books at lightning speed.

Same with other people's emotions - I usually know what's going on with them well before they realise it themselves.

I have an ear for languages and can pick them up very quickly.

I also have a great eye - I can tell if something is a millimetre out of alignment, for example. And I'm an excellent photographer.

I'm a decent baker (I spent a while baking cakes for a local restaurant).

And there's the blackbelt in aikido, a degree in Philosophy, oh and did I mention that I studied music at Conservatory level?


Take a pause so you can notice what happened as you read the above list (which, frankly, isn't even half of it).

You may have started out thinking, 'good for you!'.

But I'm betting that as the list went on, you started feeling a sense of discomfort or even annoyance.

Because, who SAYS stuff like this about themselves? Who do I think I am?

And this is exactly my point.

I am lucky enough to be fast-brained and talented, yet I'm supposed to be modest and hide what I'm capable of.

And so are most gifted humans.

This is what it is like to be a gifted, fast-brained adult on planet Earth - at least, if you decide to play nice.

We seem to have two options: hide what we're capable of or become an outcast.

Both options suck (although as you may have guessed, I'm 100% preferring the outcast over the hiding).

So let's stop this and create a middle way. Together.

Let's normalise being good at things and owning it.

Hit me with your talents in the comments below—what are you amazing at? Don't hold back; it's time to start owning those gifts.

And for those people who get upset when someone else can do something they can't: stop feeling threatened. We're not trying to take your job or to take over the world.

We don't think we're better humans.

We just want to be able to be our glorious selves without everyone else getting their knickers in a twist.

So let's start with this small first step - allowing people to own up to their talents without attacking them.


When was the last time you had Fun?


Stop trying to be Consistent