A game to uncover what you truly desire

Many fast-brained leaders I work with tell me they have no idea what they truly want.

What they deeply desire.

What would finally fulfil them.

They’re so busy growing their business and managing their team that there is no room left for play and joy.

And when you’re stuck in that space for a long time, you lose connection with your true self and your wants and needs.

The good news: it’s relatively easy to solve.

Mind you, not by going at it directly.

Sitting down with a journal and asking yourself ‘what do I truly want’ when you’ve paid zero attention to your inner voice for years is not going to get you the answers you seek.

If you could easily access what you desire, you’d be figuring out how to do it, or doing it, already.

But you do know what you DON’T want.

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So let's play a game.

The game of asking “What would be better than this?”

It’s very straightforward.

Think about a situation, a relationship, a process, etc. and ask the incredibly powerful question:

“What would be better than this?”

Not “What does my soul deeply or truly want, what is my ONE thing, where the hell is my ikigai hiding, etc.”


A very simple “What would be better than this?” suffices.

I'll give you an example.

Let’s say I’m eating dinner with my family, and I ask: “What would be better than this?”

And my beautiful brain immediately serves up lots of ways:

Eating on the beach

Paying more attention to our food and each other rather than trying to hit Genius level on the NYT Spelling Bee

Eating something we never cook because it’s too much work but it is OH SO GOOD

Eating in Japan

Eating with friends

This tells me a lot about what I desire.

More being near the sea.

Deeper and more meaningful connection.

More presence.

More time for cooking.

More Japan.

More time with friends.

I may not be able to implement all of these right now, but I can absolutely pick one thing to start with.

Here’s another work-related example.

You’re in a meeting and bored off your face.

Ask the magic question…. “How could this be better?”

Maybe you’re never having meetings again.

Maybe they run half the time.

Maybe from now on all your meetings are in the forest.

Or you only meet with people who truly energise you.

Again - whenever you feel a sense of frustration, a lack of fulfilment or simply an energy dip, ask the magic question (all together now):

How could this be better?

And then follow your own personal instructions towards a life filled with joy and delight.

Have a beautiful weekend,

Else - take me to Japan - Kramer

P.S. If you're a leader who wants to playfully and powerfully move towards more fulfilment and delight then book a quick call to see whether I can take you there: https://calendly.com/else-kramer/discovery-call


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