Your indifference to hierarchy and status terrifies people

Most businesses and organisations are hierarchically organised systems.

To make these systems work, the underlying assumption is that the people who play in the system actually care about pecking order.

If you’re a fast-brained, content-focused human, you probably don’t give a toss about ranking and status.

In fact, it’s bewildering to you that other people care so much about what to you is hugely irrelevant.

What you may not realise is that your attitude makes you hard to manipulate, upsets the status quo and threatens to break the system.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to start caring about status.

But it will serve you well to be aware that people will probably perceive your different way of relating to ‘power’ as unsettling, if not as a downright threat.

Your not caring makes you powerful, and it can also make you a target.

Play the game accordingly.

[Pyramid Picture by Charles J. Sharp]


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