Are you suffering from delight deficiency?

When we're kids, we're easily delighted.

Colours, birds, kites - everything is miraculously wonderful.

As adults, we tend to lose that sense of wonder.

We get serious.

We make getting things done and moving towards our goals a priority over what delights us.

Fun needs to wait until the work is done.

Yet the work is never done, is it?

After you've completed a task, your smart brain immediately moves on to the next project.

The next thing on your to-do list.

The next goal.

Maybe you allow yourself a little bit of joy - you watch some Netflix, enjoy a nice meal, have a drink, take a bath.

But do you consistently make room for delight?

If your energy is low, if you lack a sense of aliveness, then you may be suffering from delight-deficiency.

When we don't spend time doing what delights us, we start losing our vitality and may end up feeling burnt out.

So this weekend, I want to suggest you go on a Delight Diet.

Energise yourself by reconnecting with what is deeply delightful to you.

Put on your favourite music - or play that instrument that's been gathering dust in the corner.

Read a poem that breaks open your heart.

Spend time staring at flowers.

Dance, skip, run, wiggle.

Go spot dragons and monsters in clouds.

Smell citrus, the freshly mown grass, apple pie, campfire wood, the salty sea.

Spend an hour looking at amazing art in a museum or gallery.

Crack open whatever you've been saving for a special moment: the set of watercolours, the special bottle of wine, the limited edition LEGO set, the beautiful hand bound journal, the 600 page fantasy novel to lose yourself in.

Do whatever gives makes you smile the way my daughter smiles in the picture above.

Pure delight.

This is not a project.

It will not be graded.

This is just you, dancing with the world in whatever way lights you up.

And this needs to be a massive priority in your life, instead of an afterthought.

Wishing you a delightful weekend!


Stop looking for the One Thing


Where are you rejecting yourself ahead of time?