How Smart People Lie to Themselves

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I’ve been having sessions with a lot of gifted people over the past weeks, and it is amazing how many lies they tell about themselves.


No - they’re merely repeating what their brain is telling them. 

They’re not questioning their thoughts. 

They’ll say things like

I just can’t stick with things.”

“I’ve always been like this.”

“I simply can’t plan, or focus.”

And when you’re interested in many things, love to learn, and throughout your life try out lots of different things, it seems perfectly legit. 

“I never finish my projects” you might say, thinking about all the projects you started and never finished. 

It seems so obvious, and so innocent. You’re just stating a fact. 

But you’re not. 

You’re asking your brain to find evidence that you never finish things - and of course it will find it. 

In fact, it is so smart, it may even find it in places you never thought to look. 

It may remind you of that project you started in craft class that you never got done. 

Of all those photographs you still need to sort, print, put in an album. 

And before you know it you will accommodate your brain and BECOME a person who never finishes things, just so your life doesn’t clash with your convictions.

So let’s take a close look at that thought,  “I never finish my projects”.

Have you never, ever, in your entire life finished a project? 

Never handed in a report, an assignment, got a diploma, etc.?

Or has your brain simply decided that everything you DID finish isn’t ‘worthy’?

If the latter is the case, it’s good to know. And even if you cannot find a single thing that you finished in your entire lifetime, why would you make that mean that you can’t change? 

That you can’t learn to finish projects?

Why not give yourself the benefit of curiosity?

What if you’re not ‘useless at sticking with stuff’?

What if you’ve simply not yet quite figured out how to do it?

Just try that thought on and see how it feels. 

Next time your brain wants to keep you small try to notice it. 

Ask yourself: “Is this really true?”

And be open to discovering it isn’t, and learning what you want to learn. 

If you’re interested in learning how to stop using that amazing brain of yours against yourself, and start using it to lead an amazing, inspiring, energising life instead, I can help you. 

You can find out how and book a free first session via this page.


You’ve got productivity all wrong