How easy is it for you to ask for help?

Having a smart mind is a lot of fun - and it can also be hard.

Especially if you make it even harder by never asking for help.

A lot of smart humans think that their smart mind comes with the obligation to figure everything out on their own.

To not burden other people with their problems.

To not ask for help with projects.

To not get support for chores or other things they aren’t good at.

If this is a pattern you recognise you want to check out this week’s Managing the Smart Mind Podcast episode. It even comes with a PDF to help you do a quick inventory of where you could stop doing everything alone.

And when you think about the things you plan on doing this weekend, it’s worth asking yourself:

  • do these things really need to be done at all?

  • do they need to be done by ME?

  • do I need to do them all by myself?

If the answer to the one of the last two questions is ‘no, not really’ then this is the perfect time to practice asking for, and accepting, help.

If that makes you uncomfortable, all the more so.

Just remember that most humans love being able to help others - it’s how we thrive as a society.

Yes, you’re smart. But you don’t need to do it all alone.

Have a beautiful weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer


Do you even know how you want to feel?


Stop trying to find the “smartest” thing to do with your life or business - it’s the worst guidance system ever