Stop trying to find the “smartest” thing to do with your life or business - it’s the worst guidance system ever

Are you trying to be ‘smart’ about your life and business decisions?

Then I would suggest you stop.

A lot of my smart clients use their brain in the wrong way when it comes to making decisions about their life or business.

They try to ‘reason it out’.

The thing is, this assumes that you have all the required information to do the math. And that’s never the case.

You’re seriously under-informed when it comes to predicting the future, however much your brain may think otherwise.

Reasoning it out also means bypassing all personal preferences, gut instincts, and emotions.

Just look at what other ‘successful’ people are doing and extrapolate from there.

Seems smart - and in many cases extrapolation is a great strategy for someone with a smart mind.

But when it comes to big decisions about your unique life or business, with your unique brain, body, history, circumstances at your unique place on this planet, it’s a bad idea.

Finding the ‘smartest’ thing to do is what launches people into business plans and careers they end up hating.

Because they forget to check whether their new goal, strategy, direction is something they actually want.

So next time you’re thinking about a strategy for your business, a career move, or what to do with your life, don’t look at others for guidance.

Check them out for inspiration, by all means.

Let your smart mind think about it for a little.

But then check in with yourself to figure out what if a strategy, plan, or path will work for you.

Here are a couple of ways to do that:

  • imagine yourself doing it, and notice how it feels in your body

  • imagine yourself having completed the project/achieved the goal and try and figure out how that would feel

  • think of all the things you’d have to do along the way - and notice what comes up

If the answer to any of these is ‘meh’ or worse, then it’s time to adapt your plan to a version that will work not for that other person, but for you.

Do some crazy brainstorming.

Dream a little.

And a little more...

When you're done dreaming reduce the dream to concrete steps you can take - and use the same check-ins I mentioned above.

Feels exciting?

Feels juicy?

Then go do it!

If not - keep tweaking.

Never follow the ‘smart’ path if all it generates is a massive ‘meh’.

Look for the pull, instead of the push.

It's much more fun.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

Need help making a major decision? I’ve got you - check out Podcast Episodes 7 and 8. Or work with me one-on-one, send me a DM to learn how.


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One question to ask yourself this weekend