Is your superpower blinding you from seeing the good stuff?

Hey smart human, 

Let me guess: you’re probably amazing at finding a gazillion ways in which things could be better. 

In fact, it’s one of your superpowers. 

When you attend an event, you mentally prepare a list for the event planners on all the ways the logistics, lighting and lanyards could be improved. 

When you walk through a store, you mentally reorganise the aisles, special offers, and check-out section. 

When you attend a board meeting you’re ready with a long (pronounced as looooong) list of processes that need to be improved - stat. 

Wherever you go, you make things better. 



Could it be that your superpower is blinding you from appreciating what’s actually going quite well? 

Are you so focused on improving, tweaking, evolving everyone and everything to the next level that you forget to stop and see all the good stuff that is in fact already happening? 

In other words: are you complaining about the thorns and completely ignoring the roses? 

When we’re over-focused on improvement our brain loses the capacity to notice what’s already working well. 

The people that ARE doing a great job.

The systems that DO work. 

The moments during an event where you felt alive, and connected. 

So if, like me, you tend to find all the ways in which people, services, companies, products are underperforming, you may want to start giving some airtime to the positive. 

Because odds are, right now you’re blind to a lot of the good stuff.

And that can can get you stuck in a very nonproductive (and, let’s be honest, non-attractive) cycle of complaining.

Yes, thorns. Ouch. 

But also: roses. 

Make room for both.

Have a gorgeous weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. If you recognise yourself in the above you may want to check out my podcast episode on perfectionism - you can find it here


Stop Raising Your Personal Bar


Do you even know how you want to feel?