Stop Raising Your Personal Bar

Hey smart human,

Do you wonder why you feel so tired all the time?

Like you never get to rest?

As if your work’s never done?

It’s because you keep raising the damn bar.

The second you finish something, whether a goal or a task, your brain dismisses it.

“Yeah, you did it. Great. Now what’s next?”

Your so used to chasing achievements that you never pause.

You don’t pause to celebrate what you’ve done.

You don’t pause to celebrate how far you’ve come.

And you definitely don’t pause to REST and take in the beautiful landscape you’ve just managed to catapult yourself into.

This weekend, I want you to start playing with seeing, celebrating, and sitting in your achievements.

You can start answering these questions:

  • What can you do now that you couldn’t at the beginning of the year?

  • What did you get done in November?

  • What is something you never thought you’d get done this year - and yet, you did?

  • What are you most proud of learning this year?

Grab a cup (or glass) of something nice.

Sit your derrière down.

And get writing.

You don’t need to stop at the above questions, feel free to create more.

Write, write, and then write some more.

And when you’re done:

Do not grab your phone.

Do not get up to take out the trash.


Sit in your beautiful work.

Revel in it, celebrate it.

It’s one of the best ways to recharge your batteries - so you may want to make this a habit rather than a one-off.

After that, raise the bar all you like.

But never skip this step again.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. Need some help with the whole celebrating (I get it, my brain finds it hard too)? Then check out Episode 9 of the Managing the Smart Mind Podcast - Why Celebrating is Essential for Your Mental Health. You can find it on your favourite podcast app, or via this link.


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