Stop making yourself wrong for who you are

Aloha smart human!

I've been thinking a lot about all the ways in which smart people make themselves wrong for being different.

And how I can help them stop doing that.

What do I mean by that? Here are some examples. 

A lot of my clients think they should be able to do things like:

  • be organised and work in an organised, decluttered environment

  • plan out every minute of their working day

  • work in a very linear, predictable manner

  • be constantly available

  • sit through 90 minute meetings and stay perky and fascinated

  • finish everything on their crazy ambitious to do list

  • optimise everything they do in their lives

Now I'm not saying those things are intrinsically wrong. 

I love having an empty desk - especially when there is a half-finished LEGO project on another table. 

What's 'wrong' is wanting these things when your brain is not wired for them. 

Because then you end up making YOU wrong. 

And that can send you down a nasty negative spiral of self-hatred. 

Please, when the world, your boss, popular opinion on Instagram or whoever it is demands that you do things that you can't do, don't start hating on yourself. 

Start getting curious instead. 

Can you organise your work in a way that lets you shine? 

That suits your particular genius? 

What would that look like?

And how could you make that happen?

There may be some drama, your brain may say "that's simply not possible, that will never work, people will never accept that". 

But it's worth a try, isn't it? 

So instead of trying to make yourself fit into a mould that really doesn't suit you, this weekend, start thinking about how you can redesign the mould to make it super-snug for the amazing human being that is YOU. 

This is one of the paths I take my clients on. 

I help them rewire their brain and redesign their lives so they can stop wishing they were able to do things they suck at and start working and living in their zone of genius. 

Book a free exploratory call to figure out if that would be a great next step for you via this link:

Have an inspiring weekend!

a.k.a. Coach Kramer


What desire is it time to reignite?


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