Switch off so you can truly connect

Yesterday it was 11 years ago that my dad passed away. 

He was born in 1926 and had a pretty traumatic childhood. 

During WW2, a V2 bomb was dropped on his family's house.

He had to go into hiding when the young men started to be rounded up to work in factories in Germany.

He didn't get to finish school - and he didn't get to go to University. 

Despite all that he went on to do the most amazing things. 

He built his own business designing all kinds of boats.
He wrote and translated over 40 books on everything related to sailing.  
He developed an alternative plan to save the Netherlands from flooding,
He created countless inventions and innovations.
He promoted traditional wooden boats and built a community around them - way before the internet. 

The list goes on - this isn't even half of it. 

He was smart, creative, infinitely kind. 

And he was always working. 

Despite not seeing as much of him growing up as I would have liked, I am so grateful for all the gifts he gave me. 

Innovative thinking and creativity.

Infinite optimism and the desire to make the world a better place. 

Even thought it's been eleven years, from time to time I still miss him terribly. 

I know it's no use to argue with reality, but if there is one thing I could change, it would be for him to have worked less and have enjoyed life more. 

Kind, smart people who want to change the world have a tendency to put work and other people first. 

It's the same for a lot of my clients and for many years it was the same for me. 

Always working - evening, weekends, on vacation. Never switching off. 

If that's you, please stop.

Even if you love your work, as my dad did, as I do.

It's not sustainable, and you can never get that precious time back. 

Whenever you have planned on doing something for YOU, and your brain gives you the list of all the other things that still need to be done, don't cave in. 

You are more important than your business, your household, all the to do's. 

It's essential that you nourish yourself, that you recharge, that you get to play, to rest, to have fun. 

Life is such a miraculous gift - make sure you take the time to enjoy it with your loved ones. 

This weekend, switch off so you can truly connect. 

Have a beautiful, connected, restorative weekend, 


In loving memory of Jaap A.M. Kramer = March 8, 1926 - January 13, 2011


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