Stop optimising for efficiency - and start optimising for joy

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash (I have one of these and they're AWESOME - you don't even need a boat, you can just hang out the window and let the wind do its work

Hi Smart Human,

It's high Summer, sun's shining and I'm about to head out for a BBQ.

So this week I'll keep it very short.

You're probably amazing at optimising, at finding ways to stack tasks, to be even more productive and efficient.

But is that the best way to use your smart mind?

Does it make you happy to be efficient and productive?

If not, start optimising for joy instead.

On this week's podcast I talk about how to do just that:

Go give it a listen, and start prioritising fun in your life.

Have a fab weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer


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