Perfect Student Syndrome

Do you always try to be the best?

Learn the fastest, come out top of the class?

Know exactly what to do to scare that 10/10 - whether it's with teachers, mentors, coaches or peers?

Then you probably suffer from Perfect Student Syndrome.

It's a smart coping strategy to give you the illusion of control.

It can get you to the most amazing places - top schools, universities, and companies.

But in the long run, it's exhausting.

Because you equate your worth with performance, you have to keep going.


On this week's Managing the Smart Mind podcast, I dive into PSS - what it is, where it originates, and how to overcome it.

It starts with awareness of your need to be perfect.

This weekend, pay special attention to the way you show up with other people.

Are you trying to find the perfect weekend destination?

To cook the perfect meal?

To find the perfect solution to their problem?

Then PSS may be ingrained in your system to keep you safe.

When you notice your urge to appear perfect, pause.

Ask yourself: if I felt 100% safe, loved and appreciated right now, what would I do? And what wouldn't I do?

Listen to that inner wisdom - and take the first steps away from perfectionism and towards alignment with what you really want.

Have a beautiful weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer


One of the best ways to build self-trust


Stop optimising for efficiency - and start optimising for joy