Transformation is like one of the best meals you’ve ever had

Transformation is a beautiful thing. 

Sometimes it’s sexy.

Sometimes it’s painful. 

Usually it’s a bit of both. 

Most of us want to change so we can have better, more fulfilling lives.

But our thinking about transformation is all wrong. 

We only focus on 1% of the process. The final 1%.

Having the ‘perfect’ life, career, partner, etc.

It’s like eating beautifully cooked dish in a great restaurant . 

Your mind is blown at the combination of different flavours and textures. 

You have an incredible experience - in the moment.

But what you don’t see is the years it took to:

Train the kitchen staff

Create the perfect recipe

Learn the necessary techniques to prepare it

You overlook everything that went into the the ingredients.

How they were grown, cared for, sourced - and gathered with an expert eye.

What you experience as a moment of magic is years in the making. 

And it’s the same with transformation. 

A lot of things happen before someone decides to start on the path of lasting change.  



The dawning realisation that ‘no, this is not good enough’.

Then: desire.

The desire for change. 

The decision to do something about it. 

And finally: finding the way and the person who can take you on that journey. 

The transformation started long before a conscious decision to change. 

There are 99 steps before that final putting together and presenting of the perfect dish.

So this weekend, think about what this looks like for you.

How you can start growing the vegetables. 

Learn how to slice, cut cook. 

Brainstorm recipes. 

Ask yourself: what are you frustrated about?

What do you desire?

Towards what thing, place, person, goal do you want to move? 

Your brain will try to confuse and distract you by demanding that if you desire, you also need to know the how. 

Let it. 

It gets to be confused. 

All you need to do is focus on your desire. 

And then, when you know - when you really, deeply know: take the first step on your journey


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