Why you don’t have enough friends

One of the biggest complaints of my clients is that they're having such a hard time meeting other smart humans they resonate with.

And it makes sense - if you're part of a small minority that doesn't tend to live together in communities it IS going to be harder to find people like you.

But that doesn't mean it's impossible, and that you need to stick to 'oh well, I guess I'm better off reading a book/improving my coding skills/etc.'

Your smart mind has a couple of thought errors when it comes to thinking about making friends and meeting people.

And it probably has a lot of rules - whether conscious or not - around what those people should be like.

All this - and more - I explain at length in this week's instalment of the Managing the Smart Mind Podcast: Finding Smart Friends.

In this Episode, you will learn:

  1. Why navigating friendships is different for smart humans;

  2. The things that can trip you up when trying to meet new people as well as maintain friendships;

  3. The Smart Friendship Pyramid that you need to start building if you want more fun people in your life. 

But for now, I want you to start with this.

Get clear on the underlying beliefs and rules you have around friendships. 

Write them all down. 

Think of 'rules' like:

  •  ‘friends never talk about friends behind their back’;

  • ‘friends always want to hang out with each other’;

  • ‘friends never forget about their friends' birthday';

  • 'friends should message me back within x hours'.

What do you believe a perfect friend should and shouldn't do?

What are your 'Rules for Friendship'?

Write them down, and then take a good, honest look at them. 

Are ALL of these really necessary?

If not, which ones are you happy to let go of in your quest for more friends?

Make that list, and create some room and flexibility in the way you consider the whole concept of friendship.

And then go and meet some people - whether virtually or in real life - with heaps of curiosity and an open mind.


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