What I am learning from my obsession with a poorly dressed man with terrible hygiene

If you have no idea who is in this picture check out the series I’ve been binge-watching for the past week: Slow Horses on AppleTV.

You’re looking at Jackson Lamb, head of Slough House, where MI5 agents who messed up bad go to do penance.

His ‘Fuck this, and fuck you!’ attitude has been a massive source of joy as I made my way through seasons 1 and 2.

But why on earth do I love him so much?

What is happening here?

Because, let’s face it, at surface-level he’s not the most likeable character.

He looks, smells, sounds disgusting.

So why do I find him so inspiring, sympathetic, relatable?

Because he doesn’t people please.

He doesn’t do small talk.

He doesn’t beat around the bush.

He doesn’t try to impress.

And that is just such a massive relief.

The reason I’m so enamoured with Slow Horses (in addition to the ace script and acting) is that Jackson Lamb reminds me of what I want more of in my life:

More telling it like it is.

Less striving.

Less accommodating.

And more taking care of my people without coddling them to death.

This weekend, if you’re watching or reading something and you find yourself identifying with the (anti-)hero take this as a cue, and get curious.

What do they embody that you want more of in your life?

What do they have that you don’t?

Do you need to be more disrespectful of authority, like Neil Caffrey?

More vulnerable and open, like Ted Lasso?

More arrogant and dismissive, like Sherlock Holmes?

Whatever it is, try stepping into that part of their character over the coming days - and notice how it feels.

It may be exactly what you need.

I shall be channeling Jackson Lamb whenever I feel the urge to people please.

It’s definitely going to be interesting.


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