What is your indecision costing you?

Aloha smart human,

Tonight I’m teaching a workshop on decision making to a club of Dutch gifted people. 

It sold out almost instantly.

I’m not surprised - almost all smart humans I know have a hard time making decisions. 

We are able to see so many possibilities, so many routes that we can easily get stuck in analysis paralysis.

And we’re not just afraid of major decisions, like of picking a career or buying a house. 

We also fret incessantly about things like buying a new camera, booking a vacation, how to reply to a message on a dating app. 

It’s insane. 

No, I’m not saying YOU’re insane if you do this. 

It makes perfect sense from your brain’s perspective.

It doesn't like surprises and wants to avoid uncomfortable emotions at all costs. 

But it doesn’t make any sense when you look at what all this dilly-dallying costs you. 

Do the hours you’ve spent searching for or waiting on the best deal for that new laptop weigh up to the discount you eventually managed to get? 

Do the months of searching for the best possible camera weigh up to the time you weren’t actually able to have fun taking pictures?

Does staying in a job you hate until you’ve figured out what you REALLY want weigh up to that massive loss of energy, joy, and maybe even health?

Of course it doesn’t. 

You have to start looking at the entire equation:

What is it costing you to NOT make a decision? 

That is what I want you to be thinking about this weekend, when you have decisions to make.

Decisions about things.

Decisions about people.

Decisions about events.

Decisions about actions.

If you can't decide whether to say 'yes' or 'no', whether to stay or go, ask yourself:

What is my indecision costing me?

Does it even weigh up to the perceived pain of a poor decision? 

If not, you know what to do.

And yes, this stuff is hard.

Trying to make decisions can bring up all your fear, stored trauma, people pleasing and other coping strategies.

So go easy on yourself.

Keep breathing.

It's supposed to be scary - nothing has gone wrong.

And if you're done with being stuck in indecision, now is a good time to decide to get support. I can help you become a decision-making-ninja. Click here to learn how. 

Have a fabulous weekend, 



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