Why reading more self-development books isn’t going to change your life

If you’re reading this, odds are that you know your Tim Ferris, James Clear, Joe Dispenza. 

You can Covey, Do it with David Allen, you’re a total Badass and have read all about not giving a fuck. 

Maybe you’ve even branched out into Tolle land, Toltec wisdom, or are Daring Greatly with Brené Brown.

And yet. 

Despite all that knowledge on how to create, design, and live an amazing life, you keep searching. 

Just like the other millions of humans who have read, or, let’s be honest, at least bought, the same books. 

So what’s going on here?

Is there something wrong with the books?

Not really.

They contain great ideas, and sound advice on how to implement these in your daily life to create more success, happiness, well-being. 

Then why aren’t they ‘working’ for most readers?

Because we all have a human brain. 

And our human brain HATES change. 

Don’t get me wrong - it loves the IDEA of change.

It actually can get quite high off fantasising about your new body, new career, new launch. 

But the actual implementation of it? 



Not doing it. 

When it comes to implementing lasting change your brain is like a toddler with a temper tantrum that you have to drag kicking and screaming from the candy section in the supermarket back to the car. 

It will not go willingly where you want to go. 

So what can you do? 

First and foremost: Know your enemy. 

Know that whenever you want to make a change in your life, your brain is going to fight you all the way. 

Be prepared. Expect it. 

Second: have your secret weapons ready to get going, and to keep moving. 

Here are some examples of mine:

  • A strong ‘why’ to motivate me.

  • A clear roadmap and deadlines to drive me to take daily action.

  • An infinite amount of love for my future self.

  • And, the most powerful of all: not believing everything my brain tells me.

The books aren’t lying. 

It really is true: when you learn to manage your mind you can achieve almost anything you want (yes, almost - gravity still wins). 

But this is not easy to do on your own, because you can’t see your blind spots. The ways your smart mind trips you up.

You need a pair of fresh eyes. 

Someone who can show you your mind - and where it’s having you running around in circles. 

Someone who helps you build your own arsenal to overcome the inertia your brain loves to create. 

I don’t have a lot of regrets in my life, but I do wish I hadn’t waited for two years until I got my first coach. 

Two years of reading books and listening to podcasts, trying to implement everything on my own. 

And yes, I made some progress for sure.

But it was nothing compared to the massive growth I experienced  when I started to get coached. 

You don’t need to take forever to figure everything out on your own - you can take the fast lane. 

If you’re ready to do that right now click here for a free discovery session:

And if you're not quite ready yet:

Pick ONE THING (yes, that's another book title) from everything you have read over the past years that you are going to start implementing over the next 30 days. 

P.S. Have you tried out my new mini-course, five days to manage your smart mind? I'd love to hear what you think: https://www.coachkramer.org/mini-course


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