Episode 56 - Accessing your internal ChatGPT through your Future Self

Are you ready for something fun?

This week you'll learn how to access your internal ChatGPT - all your knowledge, experiences, etc. - through meeting up with your Future Self. 

Want to figure out how to achieve your goals?

How to feel more connected? 

Or anything else Google can't answer for you? 

Then tune into this Episode to learn how to access your inner knowing and find the perfect answers...

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Episode 56 - Accessing your Internal ChatGPT through your Future Self

Welcome to this episode of the managing the smart mind podcast with Master Certified Coach Else Kramer, a.k.a. Coach Kramer. 

Hello smart human!

You have probably heard of ChatGPT by now (and if not, give it a Google. You can thank me later). 

In this Episode, I want to introduce you to something equally amazing: your Internal ChatGPT. 

An interface to connect with all the knowledge and experiences you’ve gathered over the years, without even realising it. 

It can guide you, inspire you, and help you make decisions. 

It’s always there for you when you need it 

So how do you access this amazing internal resource?

Via your Future Self. 

Here’s how that works. 

Imagine yourself a couple of years from now.

If that’s too hard - make it a year, or even a couple of months. 

Got it? 


That’s your future self. 

It’s the you who’s a little older, a little wiser and A LOT MORE LAID BACK about everything that you are currently freaking out about. 

We can also call her ‘Perspective’ if the idea of having multiple selves across time freaks you out. 

Now the reason we use this imaginary construct is to bypass your conscious brain which only has access to limited resources. 

It’s amazing, for sure, but there is so much more available to you - why not start accessing that too? 

Your Future Self can help you in so many different ways. 

For starters, by offering you some much needed perspective. 

When I think about my current challenges (figuring out how to fix the mistake I made in my European VAT tax declaration for example) and all the emotions I have about it, it is tremendously helpful to ask: how am I going to be feeling about this a year from now? 

How will the March 2024 Else think about her Q4 2022 Vat mistakes? 

Let’s be honest -it’s not even going to register. Or, if so, it’s just the tiniest blip in the grand scheme of things. 

So when you’re in it- and I mean IN IT - by all means call in your Future Self for some helpful distance and a fresh perspective. 

But this is barely scratching the surface of what your Future Self can do for you. 


You can ask it anything - and if you relax into the asking, you can tap into that amazing resource. 

This work takes zero effort - in fact, if you are working to make it work, it won’t work. 

Instead, if you are in a place where you can safely relax and close your eyes, do so now (and of course if you’re in a car or operating interesting machinery or running with scissors DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES). 

So if you can, close your eyes and dream a little into the future. Call in future you. 

Don’t get hung up on how they should look or what kind of car they drive. Focus more on their wise, calm, knowing energy. 

Because they KNOW. They know where you’ve been - and where you’re going. 

They know your dreams and want you to go after them. 

For example, here are some fun things I could ask my future self: 

Hey future self, how did I end up consulting with the LEGO Group? 

How did I write and promote a book whilst running a massively successful coaching business?

How did I get invited to tour Japan to talk about high performance for fast-brained humans? 

Notice that I am assuming that the thing I am dreaming about has already happened. 

My dream has come true, my goal has been achieved. 

Present me hasn’t found out how, but obviously, my future self has - and I can’t wait for them to help me out. 

This is where your subconscious brain will get to work on collecting data you wouldn’t be able to access if you would brainstorm ‘how to get invited to tour Japan to talk about high performance for fast-brained humans’. 

Instead of just going over what you ‘know you know’ - you will access your internal ChatGTP and find solutions you couldn’t consciously have dreamed up.

This DOES sometimes require you to wait a little for the answer. 

You can’t just ask your future self a question and expect an immediate responde (although sometimes an instant knowing does present itself). 

Just meet up with your Future SElf, ask your question, and then wait. 

Keep a piece of paper and a pen ready to jot down any answers. 

Nothing coming? 

No worries. 

Go for a walk or take a shower. The interface is simply processing.

Just take time out to do something completely different - and allow the answers to come to you. 

This is one of the most FUN and easy ways to access your inner genius. 

One thing that can get in the way though is perfectionism. 

If you require of yourself to be perfectly clear on what your Future Self looks like, is doing, etc. - and if you want perfectly clear answers then you are blocking the flow of information. 

This is not a clear-cut process.

It is a dreaming, a calling in, a letting go and opening up. 

And guess what: you’ve got nothing to lose in trying it if you currently have no idea how to achieve your dreams, or overcome your challenges. 

There is so much more your Future Self can help with: they can advise on pretty much anything that Google can’t solve for you. 

How to prioritise self-care. 

How to feel more connection and belonging.

How to find fun smart people to hang out with. 

Make your Future Self your trusted advisor and you can access so much knowing, wisdom and compassion without even having to hop on a Zoom call. 

So give it a try this week. 

Schedule a time for your meeting. 

Close your eyes, dream as far into the future as feels just right - and ask your question. 

Be ready to blow your own mind with how much you know. 

Have a crazy fun week, 

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

Want to fall back in love with your life and work? Then I can help. DM me on LinkedIn, or Instagram to learn how you can work with me, or email me via podcast@elsekramer.com. 

Thank you for listening to the Managing the Smart Mind Podcast, I love that at 

the time of recording this, there are smart humans listening in 95 countries! I really appreciate you - do send me any questions or requests for topics you have. And if you enjoy the podcast I’d love for you to give it a five-star review so other smart humans can find it - thank you! 


Episode 57 -Getting Unbored with Claus Grand Bang Part 1


Episode 55 - What you need to do to heal your impatience, perfectionism, fear of failure, and lack of self-worth