Do you want to use your imagination to make your life a lot easier?

Then you want to add intentional visualisation to your daily routine. 

And I don’t mean the ‘let’s manifest an expensive Hermes bag’ type of ‘manifesting’ exercise. 

I do mean using what we know about how the brain works to

  • Get better at things that require specific motor skills

  • Improve your performance (whether that’s in the local choir or the Met or wherever you ‘perform)

  • Change and solidify habits

  • Make it easier to achieve your goals

You can use visualisation to prep for presentations.

To prime yourself to find that perfect new apartment.

To replace a habit that doesn’t serve you like overeating, drinking, social media-ing, etc.

And yes, for sure you can use it to make it an awful lot easier to achieve your goals (assuming you do really want to achieve them). 

Now your smart mind may tell you ‘imagining things’ is just a waste of your time, that it’s much better to actually just get to work.

Ha! This is where I am going to tell your smart mind that there are so many scientific studies showing that visualisation makes a difference that you should at least consider giving it the benefit of the doubt. 

You’re already visualising anyway - but in a really sloppy manner. 

You’re visualising missing the bus, not getting the promotion, getting laughed at, rejected, all the things. 

And you’re hopefully visualising some good stuff too. Like that sexy human liking you back, or being whisked off to your favourite bookstore with an unlimited budget.

So if you’re already doing it, why not be intentional about it? 

On this week’s podcast I tell you how. 

Consider it your permission to daydream - you can tell your inner critic that you’re actually being very productive. 

Over the next week, I want you to try this experiment. 

Think of something you are going to do next Friday. 

It doesn’t need to be something big or sexy, like giving a presentation or running a marathon or doing your first standup. 

It could be finishing that incredibly boring admin task that your brain has been putting off for five months. 

Calling that person you’ve been meaning to call. 

Going out to dinner with a friend. 

Whatever it is - use it as a visualisation experiment over the coming week. 

Try to visualize it happening in the best possible way - and make it incredibly vivid and specific. 

Notice how your body feels, what emotions you experience, the clothes you’re wearing, the light, what you see, small, hear, sense, taste. 

And then do the same thing every morning for a couple of minutes - until Friday comes around. 

Notice how you feel - both in the run-up and when the thing is happening.

I think you’ll probably be hooked for life.

Have a wonderful week, 

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. Check out the podcast for more info on the neuroscience of visualisation and specific how-to’s - you’ll find it here:


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