What I wish for you in 2023

Hey Smart Human,


Today I want to play fairy godmother and wish you all the best things for 2023.

Read it, take it in, receive it...

To start with I wish you lots of laughter, joy and happiness.

Health and wealth - in whatever way you desire it.

Add to those heaps of hope - and optimism.

I wish you a sense of humour - especially when the going gets tough and you want to smash things or throw them out the window. May you be able to laugh instead!

I wish you the capacity to grant yourself time to play, putter, and rest.

To let go of your relentless perfectionism and your high bar.

I wish for you as much alone time as you want and need,

Limitless kindness and compassion - not just for others, but also for yourself.

I wish you all the kinds of love your heart desires.

I wish you decisiveness.


Belief in yourself - and self-confidence.


A myriad of things that inspire you and challenge your smart mind.

I wish you both belonging...and...

Very. Clear. Boundaries.

I wish you Emotional Agility.

And for you to have the ability to hold clear goals AND love where you're at - right here, right now.

The capacity to celebrate and delight in almost anything.

And I wish upon you infinite curiosity.

Curiosity about others.

Curiosity about yourself.

Curiosity about this amazing life.

Curiosity is insanely powerful - it creates a much-needed crack in our shells through which insight, light, and love can enter.

I wish you all of the above - and anything else your heart desires!

Have a beautiful 2023, and if you feel like taking stock of where you're at and where you want to be going, check out my free Wheel of Life Smart Workshop.


Do you want to use your imagination to make your life a lot easier?


Do you even notice how you feel throughout the day?