How to lead when things are hard

How to lead when things are hard

Over the past days, I have been thinking a lot about what good leadership looks like. 

And if you’re thinking ‘oh, I don’t need to read this, don’t have a team’, think again.

You are a leader. 

Even if you don't lead a team, a company, a battalion. 

Being a leader means speaking up when you see something that is not right.

It means being there for people who are struggling. 

Show them that it’s OK to not be OK. 

Even to give (and receive) hugs like this hero

Leadership is being courageous - whether it's in big or small ways. 

It's also letting people around you who feel helpless and paralysed know what they CAN do:

And holding space for them when they lose their shit. 

Is someone you know freaking out and feeling helpless?

Remind them where they are right now, in this moment. 


And with the power to change the world for the better. 

This is how we lead when things are hard. 

You can do it.

Lead your friends, family, coworkers, followers whenever they need leadership. 

The world needs you.

Thank you for making it a better place.


a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. Here are ten things I use to stay sane enough to help others - remember to put on your own oxygen mask first: Ten Ways to Stay Sane in an Insane World


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