Don’t stay stuck in indecision

Hi smart human!

My house and most of my home town of Rotterdam have just made it through a pretty intense storm with crazy wind gusts. 

Riding out this storm makes me even more grateful for first responders - with a special shoutout to the police van that picked up pedestrians stranded on the Erasmus bridge (you can check out some crazy footage of what it was like out there today here). 

It also made me even more grateful to be alive. 

Now if you think 'yeah, it's nice, this whole being alive thing, but if only I had more time!' then I have some news for you. 

The problem isn't time. 

The problem is your indecision. 

Every day, there are a gazillion decisions you're dancing with - but not actually making. 

To buy that new camera. 
To have that mole checked. 
To book that trip to Venice. 

Or maybe even to change careers, ask for a raise, or start your own business. 

You think about it. 
You may even do a little bit of searching on the Internet.
And then you decide to 'figure it out another time'. 

This indecision is what makes you feel like you never have time. 

It's not the time itself - it's that fact that you're not making up your mind on what to do. 

Luckily for you I'm teaching a workshop on how to start making decisions and get your life back next week - both on Wednesday and Friday. 

You can sign up for this free 90-minute session, which includes a handy workbook to help you start making decisions, via this link:

Your first assignment: be decisive, sign up NOW and block the session on your calendar. 

Or, alternatively, if you can't make it but do want to start deciding instead of procrastinating and vacillating, work with me.

Book an exploratory consult using this link:

Wishing you a decisive, calm weekend, 

a.k.a. Coach Kramer


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