Is it true?

Today, I will share with you the best question ever. 

But before I get into that, I just want to remind you that I sent out a special Thanksgiving mail yesterday, including a link to a workbook with a pretty powerful exercise.

If you missed it you can find it here: ‘the most effective gratitude practice

OK, so about that question.

I am currently in month two of Mastercoach Training. 

The experience is like being in the washing machine - everything is turned upside down and inside out. 

My amazing instructors constantly keep me out of my comfort zone and make me question pretty much everything.

It’s incredibly challenging - and I absolutely love it. 

It’s like being back in college studying Philosophy - but in a very applied, hands-on way. 

Turns out the secret to great coaching is asking great questions - the same thing I learned to do as a Philosopher.

Only instead of asking ‘What is the world?’ ‘What is mind?’ ‘How should we live?’, we ask laser-focused questions about are belief systems. 

You can do this too - a Philosophy degree or Mastercoach training is not required. 

All you need is an open mind - and one of the best questions ever:

Is it true? 

Whenever you catch yourself thinking something that upsets you, ask yourself: 

Is this true? Do I 100% know that that’s true? 

And if it isn’t, notice how that opens up the possibility to believe something else instead - something that may be less frustrating, aggravating, or depressing.

Here are some examples of the types of beliefs it’s useful to practice this on:

“I’ll never learn how to plan.”

“My parents should have treated me better.”

“Life is hard.”

Or, one of the most insidious beliefs ever:

“It’s too late.”

Is that true? 

And if it isn’t, what does that mean? 

This weekend, blow your own mind by asking that simple question. 

Again. And again. 

Happy thinking!



Stop going it alone


The most effective gratitude practice