The most effective gratitude practice

If, like me, you’re a perfectionist overachiever, there is an important ingredient missing from your Thanksgiving. 

And no, I’m not talking about some special Turkey stuffing or sauce. 

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving today or not, you are probably not giving thanks to the most important person in your life. 


You may have been practicing gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life.

For all the humans you love and cherish. 

For your abundance. 

But are you thanking YOU?

And if your brain thinks that is the most ridiculous idea ever, bear with me. 

I’m going to share with you one of the most important exercises - and also one of the hardest - I set my clients. 

The Snoop Dogg Thanksgiving Exercise. 

When he made his acceptance speech for the star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Snoop Dogg surprised everyone by starting out not thanking his family, manager, loved ones. 

He thanked HIMSELF. 

It’s epic - check out the video here:

We overachievers never do that. 

We always see what we’re NOT achieving, where we’re lacking, where we fall short. 

And we never, ever thank ourselves. 

This exercise is usually met with a lot of resistance by my clients. 

It can bring up a lot of emotions they’ve been trying to avoid for a long time. 

Which is exactly why it is so powerful. 

It will help you see how far you’ve come.

How much you’ve learned.

How hard you’ve worked. 

And how you've been unkind to your mind. 

It will redirect your brain from how you think you are lacking, to how you are pretty amazing. 

It will force you to OWN your success. 

Today, do the Snoop Dogg exercise and thank yourself. 

For not giving up.

For getting back up after you fell flat on your face.

For living through a pandemic and not going completely insane. 

I’ve created a PDF to help you do this work, to see the things your brain doesn’t want you to see.
You can download it via this link:

Give it a go over the coming weekend and let me know what you learn. 

And thank you, for being on my mailing list and part of my journey. 

Happy Thanksgiving!



Is it true?


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