Let it be easy

When you’re learning something new, it usually sucks when you start.

I remember when I began learning aikido. 

It was love at first sight, but boy, was it hard.

I recall despairing about whether I’d ever learn all the different movements - let alone the flying through the air and landing safely stuff. 

During that first phase, I got incredibly frustrated about making the same mistakes over and over again. It’s a good thing I loved it so much, or I would have walked away after five frustrating weeks. 

The same thing happens when you learn a musical instrument. There’s scales to practice and lots of boring stuff to do. This is where most people quit. 

And the same thing goes for changing your brain. In the beginning, it's a lot of hard work. 

Creating awareness. 
Stepping out of reactivity.
Rewiring your brain. 

But then there comes a time…a time when all of a sudden everything clicks

Instead of diligently stepping through the technique, you flow with the energy and send your opponent flying (boy do I still miss aikido). 

Instead of beating a tune out note for note, you make music

Instead of constantly being aware of your thoughts and actions and analysing them, life becomes a beautiful flow.

That is, until you slip back into awareness and think: 

'Oh my God, I can’t believe how EASY this is.'

And you break the spell. 

I had a couple of clients this week coming to sessions saying:

"It feels so EASY all of a sudden. Is this real? Or am I kidding myself?"

My response? 

It is real. 

And it can totally freak out your brain. 

Most smart people have spent a lot of their life working extremely hard to survive.

When we start to change that, when we find better ways to operate your brain, it can make you a bit dizzy. 

Before, your brain had to expend heaps of energy just to keep you going. 

You were wading through treacle - and all of a sudden the treacle is gone. 

That can be weird and awkward and even a bit scary.

All of a sudden, you can ‘just’ walk. Work. Live.

You can do the things you do - which are usually challenging enough as is - without having to struggle or fight every single step of the way. 

You have so much more energy left to expend that your brain freaks out.

No need. All that's happened is that you've changed a major pattern that was holding you back or keeping you down. 

Trust it. 

Lean into it. 

Slowly learn to enjoy it. 

Don’t let unfamiliarity keep you away from greater ease - it might be just around the corner.

If this is something you’d like to explore I have two coaching openings starting  December. You can apply for a discovery call to see whether I’d be a good fit for your brain via the link on this page: https://www.coachkramer.org/work-with-me

And this weekend, ask yourself: 

Are there areas in my life where I am making it harder, because I believe the ease is too good to be true? 

What if it could be easy?

What would that look like?

Have an amazing weekend, 



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