One simple question can set you free

I have been mad for weeks. 

I saw the Covid numbers rise, the lack of action from the government, the increased hospitalisations. 

And I told myself how predictable it all was. How we’ve been there before. 

Multiple times.

How human stupidity and bad management is costing people’s lives and livelihoods. 

I tried to coach myself to let go of all those judgments. 

To stop arguing with reality and accept it.

Well, that didn’t work at all (newsflash: I’m very, very human). 

I kept checking the news and getting more and more frustrated and annoyed. 

Until I got asked this brilliant question by a peer in Mastercoach training: 

“If you wouldn’t be checking the Covid news so much, what would you be doing instead?”

I had one of those fun mini explosions in my brain you get when a coach asks the perfect question to set you free. 

I could be reading books.

Making music.

Creating videos.

I could be doing a million fun, interesting, nurturing things. 

But I kept choosing to go to a website, look at numbers, and get angry.

And let’s face it: my fury didn’t change anything whatsoever about the outcome of the pandemic. 

It did impact my life.

I wasn’t doing anything useful for me - let alone for others. 

I thought other people’s stupidity was ruining my week…but it was my own stupidity.

The stupidity of constantly rubbing every pandemic-related problem in my own face and getting upset about it again and again and again. 

This is what I love about coaching. 

Sometimes one simple question can set you free.

If you’re ready to see how your smart mind is tripping you up, and to start doing what it is you really want, book a free exploratory session using the link on this page:

And whenever you get angry about other people being stupid, ask yourself: who’s really being stupid here?

Have a great weekend!



Let it be easy


What if you DO know what you want?