Mind your language

Hello smart human,

This weekend I want you to think about the way you talk to yourself, about yourself, and others.

You may not realise this, but your words co-create your reality.

When you keep thinking thoughts like:

'I suck at languages.'

'I'll never lose the weight.'

'He's such a jerk.'

Your brain will help you prove that it's real.

The language you use about yourself and about others influences how you feel - which in turn influences how you treat yourself and others.

And the sad thing is: the way most people talk to themselves is pretty mean.

Negative inner chatter undermines self-confidence and self-worth.

It's not innocent and it is not a great way to motivate yourself - it actually has the opposite effect.

Maybe you think 'that's all very well, but if I don't kick my own butt mentally, I'll just lie on the sofa and do nothing.'

First of all, that usually isn't true (trust me, you'll get bored eventually) and secondly: treating yourself like shit is counterproductive - but only always.

This weekend, start noticing how you talk to yourself. And then ask: would I say this stuff to a friend? To my child?

If not, you'll want to rethink your language.

I have released two podcasts this week to help you do this:

How to ask the right questions and Negative Self-Talk.

Check them out if you'd like to learn more about the effect of language on your brain and life - and how to change it for the better.

Practice loving kindness towards yourself - and notice how it changes the way you feel (it will probably make you more eager to get to work).

Have an amazing weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. I can help you build REAL self-trust; not the pumped-up fake veneer of forcing yourself to think happy thoughts. I have a couple of slots opening up in September - DM me on LinkedIn to learn how we can work together, or send me an email via coaching@elsekramer.com


The Million Dollar Fallacy


One of the best ways to build self-trust