One question to ask yourself this weekend

Hey smart human,

This weekend I just have one question for you. 

What do YOU really want? 

When you let go of the expectations of society, loved ones, peers, social media…what do you desire?

What do you long for? 

This weekend, try and remove the blankets of other people’s opinions on who you should be, what you should have and do - and find what’s underneath. 

No need to take action on what you uncover straightaway. 

Just be with it. 

Acknowledge it. 

Feel what it’s like to come home to YOU. 

The action can (and will) come later. 

Have a gorgeous weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. Do you notice yourself easily adapting to different groups and environments…so easily that you lose track of who you really are? Then check out this week’s podcast on the Chameleon Complex. You can find it here:


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