Stop trying to optimise everything you do

Hey smart human, 

This week I’m traveling around Northern Italy (lucky me!) and practicing not stacking a gazillion museums and other highlights into this one trip. 

If, like me, you have accustomed yourself to always trying to be incredibly productive and efficient in any situation, then today’s reminder is for you: 

You may be incredibly ‘productive’ by the looks of it, but you’re optimising yourself out of living an amazing life.

Are you used to stacking activities for efficiency?

Stop it. 

Instead of picking up your dry-cleaning on the way to work you could take an extra five minutes to simply admire the clouds. 

You could go for a run or walk and NOT listen to a podcast or audiobook but see, hear, smell and feel all the things around you. 

And you can go on a trip to Northern Italy and miss out on some of the best attractions, because you’d rather go to bed early. 

You can ‘optimise’ for wonder, presence, joy, well-being. 

I wish we, as a society, would value these at least as highly as being efficient and productive. 

But you don’t need to wait until that happens - here’s your permission slip. 

This weekend, try optimizing for laughter, delight, deep rest. 

All the things you crave - but don’t give yourself the space to enjoy.

Stop running around trying to be super efficient and go have some fun instead. 

You won’t regret it.

Have an delightful weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer

P.S. Want to learn more about how smart minds tend to want to over-optimise things? Then check out this week’s Managing the Smart Mind podcast Episode:


One question to ask yourself this weekend


Think you work better with deadlines? Then you may be a closet perfectionist