What if you DO know what you want? 

I meet so many people who tell me they haven't got a clue what it is they really want.

Often followed by an apology. 

"I shouldn't really complain, my life is pretty good." 

Meaning that they have a decent job, a roof over their head, kids with clothes, books to read - their basic needs are pretty well met.

They feel bad about wanting more - about thinking that there’s something missing. 

They feel they should be happy. 

And this is exactly what blocks them from unearthing what they know deep down inside that they want. 

With everything that’s going on in the world it can seem very frivolous to devote time to figuring that out. 

Indulgent even. 

But what if this is the best thing you can do for yourself, your loved ones, the world? 

What if you CAN get back in touch with that deep inner knowing? 

And use that to guide your actions?

Rather than constantly responding to all the external voices that keep asking things of you? 

Yes, you can live your life from the inside rather than the outside - without being a selfish jerk. 

You can live in integrity with your Self whilst still honouring other people's needs.

It takes a lot of courage. 

It takes time to unravel all the threads.

To uncover and remove all the layers. 

But what lies underneath is gold. 

So if you're not sure what you really want, this weekend, when you're in a quiet place, ask yourself:

"What if I DID know? What could that look like?" 

And wait for the answer. 

If this is something you’re ready to uncover with my help book a free discovery call using this link: 


Have a beautiful weekend, 



One simple question can set you free


The Fastest and Easiest Way to Getting What You Want