What if you getting bored quickly is a feature, not a bug?

In this week's Managing the Smart Mind podcast, I look at a defining characteristic of the smart mind:

Getting bored easily.

This is generally considered a bad thing.

It's equated with lack of discipline and poor follow-through.

But I beg to differ.

This is just framing from people who are afraid of change.

Getting bored quickly can, with a well-managed mind, be a superpower.

If you feel your ever-curious mind is a sign that there's something wrong, you may want to check if you're in the right place for your brain to thrive.

You can try to put up with boredom - many people do.

But for smart humans this usually ends in bore-out or burnout.

So instead, why not embrace your endless curiosity and make it your superpower?

Ask yourself:

How can I revel in my curiosity and creativity, instead of pushing against it?

How can I redesign my life in a way that that my easily bored brain becomes an asset, instead of an obstacle?

How can I turn this into a superpower?

If this is something you'd like help with, book a free exploratory consult via this link: https://calendly.com/else-kramer/explore

And do check out this week's podcast for a more in-depth exploration of this topic - you'll find it here.

Have an amazing, inspiring weekend,

Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer


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